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Catherine Nasmith Architect

ANNOUNCEMENT: Catherine Nasmith is in the process of retiring and is no longer accepting architectural projects. The website is retained as a record of my work. Thank you to all the wonderful clients and contractors who have made practice possible and enjoyable over nearly 35 years.

Catherine Nasmith Architect is a sole proprietorship specializing in heritage rehabilitation, planning, advocacy and research. She also enjoys working with clients on private residences and other small scale projects. Catherine works from offices in Toronto and Muskoka.

Catherine has spent her career at the forefront of Canadian urbanism, with a particular interest in traditional urban form. Built projects include the Alton Mill for Seaton Group, an adaptive re-use of a derelict stone mill for arts purposes. She has completed Heritage Conservation District Studies and Plans for Harbord Village Phase I and II, Riverdale Phase I, Fort York and Madison Avenue. She is frequently invited to speak on heritage topics to a wide range of professional and non-professional audiences.

Catherine Nasmith Architect is the former publisher of e-journal, Built Heritage News, and writes for many other publications. She is currently advancing work with ACO Toronto on TOBuilt


  • Heritage Impact Assessment for 14 Front Street, Port Credit
  • Heritage Impact Assessment for Alterations to Fort Frances Jail with Form Studio Architecture, Thunder Bay
  • Alterations and additions to cottage, North Bohemia Island
  • New seasonal residence for Miller family in Windermere
  • Alterations and additions Cottage on Tobin Island for Sharp family
  • Annex Front Porch Design and Rear Addition


Catherine Nasmith is in the process of retiring and is no longer accepting architectural projects. The website is retained as a record of my work. Thank you to all the wonderful clients and contractors who have made practice possible and enjoyable over nearly 35 years.

Catherine Nasmith awarded Eric Arthur Lifetime Achievement Award by Architectural Conservancy Ontario, October 12, 2023  Video 

Heritage Plaque for 2509 Windermere Road, Office of Catherine Nasmith Architect

Article in Heritage Resource Centre Blog, Demolition: Fix the Building Code, not the Heritage System

National Trust Ecclesiastical Cornerstone Awards Jury, pleased to have been part of these decisions, congrats to nominees and recipients  

Windermere History Project Summer 2019

CBC RADIO Interview on Facadism with Michael Enright: Great to get national coverage

NOW Magazine: Feature Article "New Ideas Need Old Buildings"

Invited to Speak in Ottawa to Heritage Ottawa/NCC event: Feb 19, 20 Heritage Protection for Traditional Ways of Life

Panel on 40 Years of Heritage in Toronto: I was pleased to be part of a panel discussing impact of 40 years of heritage preservation in Toronto, to celebrate 40 years of Heritage Toronto Awards : Torontoist Report






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